How to Submit

Dunham Literary, Inc. is currently OPEN for queries.

Submission Guidelines

Dunham Literary represents:

  • Adult Fiction

  • Adult Non-Fiction

  • Children’s Books, including both authors and illustrators.

We do not represent:

  • Individual Short Stories

  • Chapbooks or Novellas

  • Original Screen or Stage Plays

Dunham Literary accepts query letters by email only! We do not accept queries sent by mail or fax, and we do not take pitches over the phone or through any social media platform. After receiving a query letter, we request any and all projects that might be right for us. To submit a query letter by email, the correct address is: query(at)dunhamlit(dot)com

(Note: this format has been altered in an attempt to reduce spam. Please replace (at) with @ and (dot) with a period when sending.)

We respond to all queries that come in to the above email address. We do not reply to queries sent to any other Dunham Literary email addresses or social media.

Authors: Please paste the query letter and the first five pages of your manuscript in the body of the email. Do not link to Google Docs or upload your query or pages as attachments. We do not open attachments with writing samples.

Please do not send full manuscripts unless they are requested by us after receiving your query letter. We try to respond within four weeks from the time we receive query letters, but sometimes we are faster or slower.

Illustrators: it's fine to attach 3 images as .JPG files with illustrations or sample pages of a dummy. It's also fine to include a link to a portfolio or samples online.

Please address your query to the agent you think is the best fit for you and your manuscript. We have a shared inbox and regularly share queries with each other when we think appropriate, so please send only one query to Dunham Literary.

​Check out the "What She's Seeking" section of Jennie's About page for more info.
Learn about Anjanette Barr here.

Referrals: if someone referred you to our agency, please put their name in the first paragraph of your query letter saying that this person recommended that you contact our agency specifically. 

Conferences: if you attended a writers' conference where Jennie Dunham or Anjanette Barr were visiting faculty, they may have given you a code to use. Please put this conference code in the subject line, not the body of the email. Please note that these codes change from conference to conference.

For more information about querying, please see our Frequently Asked Questions.

Note: Dunham Literary, Inc. is not affiliated with or in any way related to The Dunham Group.